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Things to Stop Doing in Mobile App Design

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Mobile design is often a tricky subject, with several things to consider once making a mobile app. There are many advantages and benefits of having a mobile app and the right design it. But today we go through the things to stop doing in Mobile App Designer.

To simplify the task, look out how you reflect on mobile design. Mobile app design services Florida help you to meet user expectations. I’ve prepared some highly practical tips on what you shouldn’t do when designing mobile apps. Keep them in mind as you are designing your app’s experience.

Bad first impression

The first use of an app is extremely crucial for any user. It also feels like an essential period of the process of mobile design. If they’ll see something boring or confusing, they could find it uninteresting.

Having an exciting feature is a very balancing aspect. It can be good if the designer will just follows and keep in mind what the user wants from the app. Make sure that whenever a user will use the app it should make a good impression and good functionality.

Don’t ask for permissions right at the beginning

If you ask for permissions right at the start, the users are likely to deny the request. Because they have no idea why you’re asking for the said permission. Besides, when the users are using your app for the first time, they don’t trust it enough to offer it access to their data.

So, it’s a good idea to ask for permissions within the right context once the relevant task is being performed. As an example, if your app asks for permission to access users’ location whereas booking a cab or finding a nearby restaurant, they’ll give it permission.

Don’t make users wait for content

A blank screen, shown when content is loading, will make it look like your app is frozen, leading to confusion and frustration. You should always attempt to give the impression that your app is fast and responsive.

Don’t overcomplicating app design

I strongly believe that it’s always better for an App to be good than to be unique. Many app developers tend to add a large number of features in their app assuming that it’ll get them more traffic.

However, the truth is, overstuffing your app with unnecessary features will only make your user confused and frustrated. Eliminate the ones that are not indispensable to your app’s purpose and functionality.

Not testing your design

Even if you have followed all the best design practices, it’s important to ensure whether your app actually delivers desired results. A lot of times, the associate app looks smart to the developer however the users face unexpected bugs while using the app.

So, not testing your app is the biggest mistake that no app designer should ever commit. Always test your app extensively before launching it.

People expect a lot from mobile apps nowadays, and therefore the expectations are just getting higher. Devify Solutions encourages you and make your app useful, relevant, and valuable for your users.

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